I used to paddle slalom. Must I start again in Div 4? (Getting Reinstated)


 You’ve been a ranked slalom paddler in the past, or

 You haven’t done slalom but you’re already a very experienced whitewater paddler, or

 You’ve paddled in slalom in another country

You can apply to be put straight into a higher division, but you’ll need to show some evidence of your ability. One option is to go to a Division 2 race, enter as an “Open” competitor or judge and show your result as evidence. use this on-line form to apply for ranking.

If you’ve been ranked before you mustn’t race in Div 4 – sort out your ranking using this form and return in a suitable division to suit your ability.

If you’re already ranked in another class – say, you’re a Div 1 K1 paddler wanting to do C1 – rank yourself in the next division down (so a Div 1 K1 races in Div 2 C1, and so on) but you must apply for a bib in the new class as soon as possible. If it’s C2, you and your partner can just get together and race at any Div 2, 3 or 4 event: apply for a bib and you can enter a race at any level.

People sometimes decide to enter a race on the spur of the moment. If you explain to the organisers they’ll usually let you enter as above, in an open event or as a judge.

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