
Slalom paddlers are grouped so that they can race others of similar ability, on water that is appropriate to their skill.

There are five divisions – Premier and Divisions 1 to 4.

Newcomers usually start in Division 4 which isn’t a ranking divsion. When you are ready or after 3 wins you move on to Division 3. You build up your skill, and work your way up to bigger water and tougher competition.

In Division 4, where you start, it won’t be too hard – a rush of water from a weir, or moving water in a stream. When you get to Division 1 and Prem it will be big and tricky!

In C2 there is only one combined division, but new pairs can race at Div 2, 3 and 4 competitions.

If you are an experienced paddler there are a number of ways you can start:

  • if you have previously raced slalom you can apply for reinstatement into the last dvision you raced in
  • if you have some exeperience you can ask to be ranked straight into Division 3
  • experienced white water paddlers can race at a Division 2 race as an unranked paddler and then use your results to get ranked.